Determinated Toward Freedom: An Analysis of the Fourth Chapter of S. Kierkegaard’s The Concept of Anxiety

  • Pablo Uriel Rodríguez Universidad de Morón
Keywords: Anxiety, freedom, orientation, psychology


The article analyzes the fourth chapter of The Concept of Anxiety («Anxiety of Sin or Anxiety asthe Consequence of Sin in the Single Individual»), published in 1844 by Vigilius Haufniensis.This chapter contains one of the most relevant (and less researched) pages of Kierkegaard’sprolific literary-philosophical work. The main thesis of this text is that the psychologicalexposition of the «anxiety about the good» (the demonic) reveals the existence of an impulse offreedom in the human being.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, P. U. (2022). Determinated Toward Freedom: An Analysis of the Fourth Chapter of S. Kierkegaard’s The Concept of Anxiety. Open Insight, 13(29), 47-75.