Teleology in Living Beings: A Phenomenological Approach to Intentionality and Intentional Actions

  • Andrés Felipe Villamil Lozano Instituto de Investigación Filosóficas – UNAM
  • Maria Clara Instituto de Investigación Filosóficas – UNAM
  • Harol David Villamil Lozano Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: Constitutive intentionality, immanent teleology, intentional actions, phenomenology, transcendent teleology


This paper makes a phenomenological distinction between constitutive intentional movements and intentional actions. A phenomenological understanding of embodied and situated relations between living beings and their worlds shows that intentional movements do not imply an implicit or explicit experienced “what for” that organizes and directs what an organism does. We question the immanent teleology of autopoietic enactivism and the agentive semiotics theory. This discussion allows us to separate the idea of intentionality from objectives, goals, and agendas. This yields a different way of understanding the behavior of living beings based on the phenomenological notions of intentional body, intentional movement, animation, and the time-consciousness structure.

Author Biographies

Andrés Felipe Villamil Lozano, Instituto de Investigación Filosóficas – UNAM
Ph.D. student in Philosophy of Science at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Associate student at the UNAM’s Institute for Philosophical Research.
Maria Clara, Instituto de Investigación Filosóficas – UNAM
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Scholarship Program at UNAM’s Institute for Philosophical Research. Advised by Dr. Edgar Gonzáles Varela.
Harol David Villamil Lozano, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Ph.D. holder in Philosophy from the National University of Colombia (UNAL). Member of the PEIRAS Investigation Group.


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How to Cite
Villamil Lozano, A. F., Garavito, M. C., & Villamil Lozano, H. D. (2023). Teleology in Living Beings: A Phenomenological Approach to Intentionality and Intentional Actions. Open Insight, 14(31), 138-169.