Notas críticas a la lectura “mentalista” del De anima de Aristóteles

  • Diego Enrique Vega Castro Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)


The following article proposes a critical review of the “mentalist” interpretation of Aristotle, specifically, of Victor Caston’s meticulous work on De anima III.2. It will be shown that his reading, partially framed in the problem of first or second order perception/conscience, can obscure the terms in which Aristotle himself thought of the problem of perception (and, to a large extent, obscure the problem itself). The different arguments examined will lead to question, by the hand of other authors immersed in different interpretative contexts of the De anima, the modern dogmas that inevitably condition our understanding of Aristotle.


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How to Cite
Vega Castro, D. E. (2023). Notas críticas a la lectura “mentalista” del De anima de Aristóteles. Open Insight, 14(30), 31-56.