Mereology and the Theory of Truth in Edmund Husserl’s early Phenomenology

  • Yuri Andrei Guerrero Santelices Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Keywords: Experience, mereology, the ideal, the real, truth


In Edmund Husserl’s early phenomenology is found a fundamental epistemological distinction between the real and the ideal. This distinction constitutes the foundation of the critique of knowledge; Thus, for instance, the problem of the correlation between consciousness and the world would be a paradigmatic case of such a difference. Likewise, the essential connection between the order of the experience of truth and the truth itself would be another way of formulating such a distinction again. Although Husserl presents many arguments in favor of the difference between the real and the ideal, he at the same time affirms that such a distinction is, on the one hand, insurmountable, to the extent that both spheres would be separated by a radical abyss; but, on the other, he postulates an eventual relationship between the real and the ideal. Through a review of Husserl's early texts, it is concluded that the theory of the whole and the parts or mereology serves as a fundamental doctrine that allows communication between the real and the ideal and, to that same extent, an explanation of the problem of the truth and his experience.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Santelices, Y. A. (2024). Mereology and the Theory of Truth in Edmund Husserl’s early Phenomenology. Open Insight, 15(34), 51-80.