Utilitarianism and Perfectionism: An Approach to Nozick’s Experience Machine
Nozick’s (2017) experience machine thought experiment has been considered a critique of utilitarianism (Railton, 1984). However, it is not entirely clear the aforementioned puzzle constitutes a direct objection to utilitarianism. The present research will focus on analyzing some interpretations of the criticism of utilitarianism that is presented in said thought experiment. Firstly, the passage in question and its link with the family of utilitarian theories will be exposed. Later, it will be stated that the type of utilitarianism that Nozick attacks is preferentialism in a restrictive version. Finally, it will be asserted that the experience machine argument, although it does not qualify as a direct criticism of classical utilitarianism, places Nozick in a position close to ethical perfectionism.References
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